Friday, October 12, 2012

Timpanogos Peak Hike

First off, this wasn't a campout. We tried this last year and got rained out, but the other problem was that we had full packs, plus we were carrying our scout with Spina Bifida so everyone got tired too quick.  This year we decided to do the whole thing in one day with day packs.

I've always been up there when the flowers were in bloom, but this time the flowers were all gone.  Luckily the trees were turning colors and were awesome!

We did carry our scout with Spina Bifida with us in the carrier that was made for that purpose.  It was an awesome experience!  Some of our stronger scouts were unable to come, so we invited some adults to come help us, and we couldn't have made it without them.  They were great!

It was a challenge!  We only made it to the saddle and back (14 of the 16 miles), and we were at the trailhead at 7AM, and didn't get back till after 9PM!  But it is challenge that the scouts need (and us adults) to keep us progressing and feeling accomplishment!  I'd so rather go on a long hard hike and be able to enjoy the beautiful sights we saw on this one than to be lazy and sit at home and get nothing done!

Boys these days need to get that urge to feel accomplishment. So that they will work towards accomplishing things.  Too many of them are just coasting along with no direction or goal in mind.