Monday, October 23, 2017

Lumberjack Campout 2017

This year for our yearly Lumberjack Campout (we go on a yearly lumberjack camp where we cut firewood and take it back to give to families in our neighborhood that need it) we sent the leaders out with chain saws to cut up 8-10 foot sections of logs, then had the boys team up and haul the logs back to the vehicles so that we could cut it up and chop them up close to the vehicles.  The boys liked it this way as they were able to do less trips out into the woods to haul back wood, and they felt tough lifting large dry pine logs.
One of our adults wanted some logs for himself, so we cut them to length and loaded up his trailer with logs he can then cut another day.

Right as we were finishing up the project it started snowing - we knew that there was a chance of that in the forecast but were hoping it would hold off.  We were prepared and were able to handle it just fine - our only challenge was one of the 12-seater vans didn't have chains, so it took some work to get it up one of the hills we had to climb to get out of there.  But that's a great experience for the boys (and leaders) to see that we can work through challenges and make it alright if we work together!

It was a pretty view from my tent window that morning though.

After the hard work all day long we took the scouts into the nearest town and played Wallyball at the local rec center, and then swam for a couple hours (and soaked in the hot tub).  It's a great way to reward everyone for their hard work and have fun together.  Between the rec center and being a Lumberjack, this campout is one of the scout's favorite over-nighters!