Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sleeping in your Snow Cave

Setting up your sleeping area right is almost as important as how you dig your cave.  You need to be able to get in there and change and go to sleep without getting wet.  You need to sleep up off the ground to keep you insulated from the snow below you too.  Here’s some hints that may help you sleep soundly and warmly.
  • A tarp goes on the ground first when you're setting up your sleeping area to keep you and your gear dry.  Some people like a tarp above them as well to stop the drips from getting them wet all night.  If you round out your cave you won't have to worry about that as much, but it's hard to get it perfectly smoothed off so you’ll have to experiment.

  • You'll need a sleeping pad to insulate you from the ground.  I prefer a 3" foam pad, but I know that therm-a-rests and others like that work good too.

Sleeping bags - don't always trust the temperature rating.  I've been in 0 Degree bags in 40 degree weather and been cold before.  Get a feel for your bag before going.  If in doubt, stuff a smaller bag inside another bag.  Plan on the cave being about 35 degrees.  I’ve slept in a $20 Walmart sleeping bag with a fleece sleeping bag liner stuffed inside and been just fine.


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