Tuesday, May 31, 2016

National Duty to God Banquet Recognizes Mitch Mobile

This was really neat!  The LDS Church came to us and asked if they could do a video about our scouts and their experience with the Mitch Mobile, and how it has affected them and helped them to do their Duty to God.  Of course we said that'd be great!

Elder Holland, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints spoke at a national Duty to God Banquet to a group of 1,500 professional scouters in San Diego on May 26, 2016.  He spoke about how scouting helps young men (and older men) to do their duty to God.  He then presented the video they made about the Mitch Mobile, then invited Mitch and a couple others onto the stage.

It was an amazing event, and my wife and I were so blessed to be able to be there for it!  Watch the whole talk below, or you can skip forward to about 7:20 to where he starts talking about the Mitch Mobile and then shows the video and interviews the boys.
I'm proud of our scouts!  Of who they were while we were experiencing it all, and who they are now!  Of the boys in the group, all 12 have or are serving missions for the LDS Church!  They have or are serving in places like: Russia, Belgium, San Diego, Oregon, Alabama, England, Chile, and tons of other places teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in many languages!

To learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, go to:
www.lds.org or

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