Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blanding High Adventure - Canyoneering

We've done canyoneering before, but never with someone with spina bifida that needed help 90 percent of the way so this was a new experience!  We did 2 canyons and each of them required climbing quite a ways up a crack to get to the top of the canyon.  With each canyon we used the carrier to get our scout to the base of the climb, and then we helped him from below, above, and both sides where possible.  We also helped whoever was behind or in front of each of us as we made our way up to the top of the canyon.  Both canyons had a horizontal hike at the top to get over to the start of the canyon.
Whenever we didn't have the carrier we carried our scout on our backs
The last rappel was 100 feet, and our scout with challenges was a little nervous about it, but excited as well.  We had enough ropes that we were able to send him down with a top belay (and bottom), with his brother alongside him.  It was awesome to see the two of them working together as they made their way down!

Doing the last rappel

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