Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Eagle Scout Mentor's Pin

Ok, I may just be weird (maybe there's no "maybe" about  it), but I think Eagle Scout Mentor's Pins should be given to someone other than the scout master, or varsity coach.  I have received my fair share of Mentor's Pins through the years, and, while I appreciate them and the appreciation they show, I think they should be going to others.
I've been to Eagle Court of Honor's where the Eagle Candidate gave the pin to an "adopted" grandparent that had mentored him and encouraged him along the way.  That was awesome!
I wish there were more people out there mentoring and encouraging the scouts as they travel down the trail to Eagle.

Everyone knows the scoutmaster does a lot for the boys, but lets honor those that aren't "required" to be helping the boys, but do anyway.

ok, I'll step off my soapbox now.

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